About Us

Certs Award
Kirsty 200
New Centre Award
Blue Oceans Award 22
Performance Award
Blue Oceans Award 23

Our Story

In May 2022, we opened our doors for the first time as Ireland’s first solar-powered dive centre. In August 2022 we opened our new state of the art dive centre building thanks to the support by the local committee Comharchumann Mhic Dara. While designing, we ensured there was plenty of space to prepare your equipment and plenty of rails and storage to keep your equipment in top condition during your stay.

We are all about relaxed vibes and family friendly at ASA, so while you water-lovers enjoy your activities, your landlover friends can relax in our canteen with a cuppa or on a sunny day an ice-cream in our courtyard! They can also treat themselves to our free Wi-Fi courtesy of An Crompán.  

Our internationally recognised dive training is accredited by Scuba Schools International and we are proud to offer over 30 different scuba diving qualifications from your first Basic Diver program, all the way up to Dive Guide, your first professional qualification. We also offer numerous popular specialties including Deep, Wreck,  Rescue, DPV/Scooter, Search & Recovery, Decompression Diving and lots more!

But most importantly, we have a friendly, professional, experienced team of experts waiting to bring you on your next  underwater adventure!

Our Mission

Our mission is to create a fun, welcoming underwater community that is also eco-friendly and educational. Our goal is to support YOUR underwater development and empower you to explore all the ocean has to offer!

We are proud to be a family friendly dive centre  with experiences for all ages from the eager 6-year-old who wants to snorkel for the first time to the 70-year-old who has retired and wants to learn to dive 

Girls that scuba

About Our Team


Owner | Advanced Open Water Instructor | Ecology Specialist Instructor


Carol Snorkeling Galway

Snorkel Instructor | Photographer | Social Media Manager


Advanced Open Water Instructor | Freediving Instructor | Sidemount Instructor


Meadhbh Snorkeling Galway

 Snorkel Assistant | Divemaster in Training


Cathal Snorkeling Galway

Snorkel Instructor | Divemaster in Training


Snorkel Assistant | Previous Intern


Sasha Scuba Galway

Open Water Instructor


Kenneth Scuba Diving

Divemaster Instructor | Independent Diving Instructor | React Right Instructor


Rebecca Work Experience

Snorkel Instructor | Previous Intern


Andy SSI Instructor Trainer

 Ireland’s only SSI Instructor Trainer | Technical Diving Instructor Trainer



Alex Technical Diving

Technical Diving Instructor | Scooter/DPV Instructor


Content Creation Intern

About Sustainability

Blue Oceans Award 22
Blue Oceans Award 23

We are proud to have received the Blue Oceans sustainable dive centre award as a recognition of our sustainable actions our team operates under daily. Our team are stewards for the sea and endeavour to empower every visitor with the knowledge and skillset to #EnjoyAndProtect our oceans.

We are also so incredibly blessed to have our facilities completed powered by solar energy thanks to the fantastic “An Gaeltacht Ghlas” initative by Údurás na Gaeltachta. This plan is placing an emphasis on the viability and sustainability of Gaeltacht communities across Ireland and we are so pleased to be a part of this plan. As a result, ASA and many other local businesses have the amazing claim of carbon neutral facilities thanks to this program. We also have two EV Charging Points right outside our entrance! So your car can charge while you dive!

Find out more about our blue oceans initatives Here 

Media releases

Discover Ireland - 14 Eco-friendly activities